About the Journal

Visitors to the Jurnal Hukum Tri Pantang, starting May 2022 (Vol 8, no 2), will gradually migrate to the new website, namely https://ejournal.unitaspalembang.com/index.php/jhtp on this website. The publisher and management of the journal are still the same as the old journal website https://www.ejournal.unitaspalembang.ac.id/index.php/jhtp therefore, visitors who want to publish their articles can send articles to the new journal address. We will not process registrations in the old journal starting May 1 2022. All archived articles of the Jurnal Hukum Tri Pantang for June and December 2021 can be accessed on the old website. 

Journal title Jurnal Hukum Tri Pantang
Initials jhtp
Frequency 2 issues per year
DOI 10.51517
p-ISSN 2460-5646
e-ISSN 2775-5983
Publisher Tamansiswa Palembang University
Citation Google Scholar |Crossref |ROAD

Jurnal Hukum Tri Pantang is a scientific journal in the field of law published by the Faculty of Law, Tamansiswa University, Palembang, p-ISSN 2460-5646 e-ISSN 2775-5983. The tri abstinence journal is published twice a year, namely in June and December. The Tri Pantang Journal contains articles resulting from research and legal studies. The Tri Abstinence is Ki Hajar Dewantara's fatwa, that is, don't consider the Tri Abstinence as deviating from religious guidance. In fact, all the fatwas or advices that Ki Hajar Dewantara created are inseparable from the rules of Allah and His Messenger. Anyone who wants their life to be safe, peaceful, orderly, peaceful and happy must apply the Tri Abstinence theory. And this must be used as a life guide and life guide in living life in the world, in particular.

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Tripantang
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